June 1, 2016

Airlines Reviewing the Benefits of Loyalty

Are airline mileage points here to stay? That depends on what you mean by mileage points. In fact, those points, once calculated mile for mile by distance flown may soon be a distant memory as more airlines get onboard with converting their mileage focused frequent flyer programs to revenue programs.



Protravel Agents Offer Up Summer 2016 Picks

Protravel International has come up with its top ten international destination rankings for summer travel based on actual agent bookings thoughout the company. Top spots for summer season this year?


Safaris with Drive: Micato Making a Difference

Taking a safari across the equatorial plains of Kenya it is hard to separate the land from the sky, or the reality from the dream. It is a fantastical journey into an almost primeval time when the earth was pure and amazing creatures wandered freely amid the acacias and water fields. But while you watch the lions scout and the elephants roam, a looming question settles silently upon the landscape: How long will this last?


What is Tracking at Eurail? Insights for 2016

When it comes to amazing tourist attractions, Asia has got a ton. But for every Angkor Wat or Great Wall of China, hundreds of incredible sites have slipped under the radar for travelers. Here are nine unheralded spots worth visiting. 

Vienna, once the focus city of an empire, is now a glorious walkable confection on the edge of the Danube. It sparkles like a Klimt portrait in the light of day and unfolds with layer cake museums and palaces, comely corner coffee bistros and cobbled pedestrian corridors passing hidden alleyways. It is a city that is knowable and welcomes travelers curious enough and cultured enough to give the city a spin.

L.A. for Star-Powered Stays

Los Angeles, at times described as a great big freeway, is oh so much more. Look beyond the lights of the traffic buzzing from the beaches to the boutiques and bistros and find the spotlights that have made the city shine since the beginning of the last century.


Avianca Airlines Soaring Over Southern Skies