How Americans Overspend on Travel
According to its tenth annual Vacation Confidence Index, Allianz Global Assistance finds 10 percent of Americans admit to going overboard on their budget while on vacation. Last year, those who did overspent by some 27 percent ($534) on average. Breaking it down by age, Generation X turns out to be the biggest offender.
Travel with a Baby? Five Tips
Traveling with an infant or toddler by any means has its challenges, but air travel can be particularly daunting for new and seasoned parents alike. From the glares of fellow passengers when your baby has a meltdown, to the tricky carry-on situation with car seats and strollers, flying with a baby is a whole different ball game. But here are some caveats and tips for optimal travel with little ones.
European Vacations with Sense of Place
European vacation plans can often be aided by choosing not only the destination to be visited, but the hotel to be booked. In fact, it is not unusual to see a European vacation built around the hotel as the destination, especially if it is central to the European vacation experience.
Making the Most of Mayfair in London
If you were playing Monopoly- in London, Mayfair would be your Park Place. If you were putting an iconic department store on that square, it would undoubtedly be Selfridges. And if you wanted to feel confident and comfortable with your decisions all around, you might head to Selfridges for a session with Jayne Wallace, leading member of the Psychic Sisters, with a busy section of their own at Selfridges for shoppers and visitors who want to maximize their moves and plans.
Protecting those Airline Investments
As international travel grows in popularity, Americans are choosing to protect their vacation investments by purchasing travel insurance. According to a recent AAA Travel survey, nearly 4 in 10 Americans (38 percent) are likely to purchase travel insurance for future international trips. For those travelers, trip cancellation protection is the most valuable benefit with 9 in 10 (88 percent) of those likely to purchase insurance saying that getting their money back, if they cancel a trip, is their top priority.
Findings for Foodies: Absolute Garlic
By Susan McKee
Queen Elizabeth forbids the use of garlic in preparing royal banquets, but many of us love the pungent bulb - travelers and tourists may be among them. For those traveling in the next few months, perhaps a stop at a garlic festival would tickle a taste bud or two. Here are a few suggestions:
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