Record Bookings as Air Satisfaction Rises
A steep demand for air travel has airlines adding some 116,000 seats per day to accommodate the 246.1 million air travelers coming onboard between June 1 and Aug. 31, 2018. With such numbers in force, airlines are not desperate to win passenger loyalty, however, a number of U.S. airlines are still catching the favor of travelers.
Americans Taking Back their Vacations
Are Americans working themselves to death? Well, in fact, they may well be, but the good news is American workers took an average of 17.2 days of vacation in 2017. That number marks the highest level for American vacation usage since 2010.
Hamak Hotels: Seeing Green in Mexico
Hamak Hotels continues to make a statement in some of the Mexico's most pristine and historic locations with 11 hotel and resort properties - and counting. The latest footprint in the portfolio opens this summer with Chable Maroma on the Riviera Maya.
Norwegian Bliss: A Ship for all Comers
By Norman Sklarewitz
As the newest liner in NCL's young fleet, the Norwegian Bliss went into service this month offering the traveling public, an eye-popping line-up of services and amenities. For the more action-inclined passengers, there is the industry's longest sea-going Go Kart track, a Laser Tag course and a heart-stopping water slide that takes the brave hurtling down twists and turns through tubes hanging out over the open water.
Art of Travel: Follow the Masters
By Christopher Elliott
Travel is an art, not a science. Read enough columns, and you might think being the world's smartest traveler is a paint-by-number proposition, an easy formula you can follow. But as you start planning your summer trips, maybe it's worth asking if there's more to it than just buying a manual or clicking on a blog or even reading the most popular travel column in American journalism.
Beyond Byzantium: The Road to Bodrum
By Lark Gould
For those heading to Istanbul for business or leisure, extending the visit to ports beyond the Bosporus can make for a rewarding vacation with plenty of beach, night life and shopping thrown in. History buffs still get a field of ruins to explore between people watching and sun worshipping along the shores of the Aegean.
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