Many Faces of Luxury, According to Forbes
Filip Boyen, the new face of Forbes Travel Guide, can tell you something about luxury. He came aboard last year as CEO of Forbes Travel as a veteran of the hospitality industry with a record spanning 30 years that started in hotel kitchens and ascended through tough tiers and years with Orient Express Hotels and Belmond, and later with Small Luxury Hotels of the World as CEO.
Costa Caribbean Offers Window to Italy
I'll be honest. I knew that a 7-day Caribbean sailing on Costa Cruises' Costa Deliziosa would be different from competing mass-market ships sailing out of South Florida. I just never imagined it would be that different..... By David Yeskel, the Cruise Guru
Arizona Rife with New Reasons to Visit
Among domestic destinations, Arizona may not jump to mind among all agents as a glamour state. However, if it perhaps lacks a reputation for high-profile events replete with celebrities, breathless television coverage and tabloid stories, that's fine with the state's active tourism industry. It's happy to offer visitors a wide range of Western experiences, top-notch accommodations and this year in particular some significant events... By Norman Sklarewitz
Striking Travel Gold in the Silver State
As one of the country's premier destinations, you might assume your clients know all about Nevada. That might be a mistake. "It's not the same old Nevada," says Chris Moran with the state's Division of Tourism. "Sure, Las Vegas is amazing and wonderful, but there's so much more beyond it." By Norman Sklarewitz
Cartagena with Casa St. Augustin
Cartagena is a vibrant picturesque city that will leave you craving more. A historical former Spanish port town set along the northern tip of Colombia, Cartagena imbues a variety of cultural influences while boasting a modern coastal metropolis, Boca Grande, reminiscent of Miami's South Beach.
March Madness Means Maple and Blooms
March gives tantalizing hints of warm weather to come. From maple festivals to daffodil shows, check out events that promise spring is just around the corner.... By Susan McKee
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